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Learn How to Code for Beginners

Learn How to Code for Beginners

Technology has come a long way in the last 20 years and the manner in which computers have advanced in this age has developed the way in which we buy, get from place to place, where we eat and how we work. Coding in simple terms is the ability to write indications in a language that computers can understand. Learning how to code can be a valuable skill you can build, especially seeing how the world is shifting to more digital spaces.

What Coding Languages Should You Learn?

You will need knowledge of at least one coding language, which is a set of syntax and rules that computers can easily understand. There are hundreds of coding languages, and all have a unique purpose and function. Like spoken languages around the world, there are some coding languages that are easier to learn compared to others. These are the recommend languages to learn first as a beginner for the most basic fundamentals of programming.


HTML, also known as Hypertext Markup Language, is the foundation of the internet and is used to set up content of web pages. HTML is the easiest language to sample because it is not necessarily a programming language as it doesn’t execute scripts. You also cannot build functional programs through it.

CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets, is HTML’s sibling language, which is less familiar. HTML supports what content appears on a web page, but not how the content appears. CSS languages caters to the styling of HTML and sets features such as colours, sizing, fonts, and layouts.


JavaScript is a programming language that turns static web pages into active ones by providing elements such us movement and reaction to user actions such as clicks


Python is also a popular programming language for beginners because of its user-friendly syntax and powerful versatility. Many of the python codes read similar to English, which helps beginners grasp the fundamental concepts quicker.

These Are Some of The Best Methods You Can Use to Learn Coding As A Beginner:

Take Up Online Courses

Learning how to code does not require you to be in a classroom setting any more. Today, there are thousands of online programming courses that cover all things coding, from HTML, data structures and complex algorithms. Your first course should introduce the basics of a language and offer interactive modules and assignments that will guide your learning.

Watch Some Video Tutorials

YouTube is one of the best social media platforms for self-taught learning, whether it’s for coding or earning how to play games at sites like grand online casino. There are thousands of coding related content on YouTube that you can watch. These videos can supplement your online course learning to provide real life experience of coding.

Read Coding Books and eBooks

If you prefer learning the traditional way, there are many books and eBooks available to learn coding. The books will introduce you to the basic fundamental concepts of coding. Make sure to purchase beginner coding language books.

Get A Mentor or Join a Coding Community

As you progress in your coding knowledge and skill, you may encounter some challenges. Finding a mentor or joining a coding community will greatly assist you to communicate with experienced programmers who can give you a helping hand when you face some coding challenges.

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