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Get More from Solar Panels with These Tips

Get More from Solar Panels with These Tips

The sun is one of the most important resources that we have. It’s free, renewable, and if you put solar panels on your roof it can save you money on your electricity bill! If you’re considering installing solar panels or need an upgrade to make sure they are performing at their best, here are some tips for making the most out of them.

1. Clean Solar Panels on a Regular Basis

Although solar panels do come with cleaning instructions, most solar contractors will recommend that solar panels be cleaned twice per year. If your solar panels are in an area where they are likely to get dirty (for example, next to the road) it may be necessary to clean them every six months or so. However, any time you see dirt or other grime building up on them, go ahead and wash them off using some water mixed with dish soap. A scrub brush can help remove tough spots. You can also use a solution of one part vinegar and two parts waters for particularly stubborn areas. Note that if you decide to power wash solar panels, make sure that there is no debris around them before turning the power washer on to avoid damage.

2. Keep in Mind That Longer Panels Are More Efficient

If you’ve ever heard solar companies say that solar panels should be flush with the roof, this is what they mean. If solar panels are too much higher than the roof, heat may build up under them and cause them to perform less efficiently. Instead, solar panels should sit flat enough that it’s easy for rainwater to run off of them into your gutters instead of sitting around them. This will keep your solar panels cooler- meaning more efficiency without having any negative influence on their performance!

3. Track Solar Panel Outputs over Time

There are several things you can do to ensure that your solar panels are performing great. One of the easiest is to just take a look at them when you get home from work every day, or when you’re in your yard landscaping. Note how much solar energy they are producing, and over time this will give you an idea of what solar panel performance looks like under average conditions in your area/at your location.

4. Use Batteries to Store Excess Electricity

If it’s possible for solar panels to generate more electricity than is being used by appliances inside of your house, batteries can come in handy. These days, solar cells with batteries are 30-50% less effective than solar cells without any battery storage but they are still worth considering if having some backup power is important to you!

5. Be Aware of What Your Solar Panels Are Made Of

Generally solar panels can be broken down into two categories- monocrystalline solar cells and polycrystalline solar cells. Monocrystalline solar panels are often about twice as efficient at generating electricity than solar panels made from polycrystalline materials. This is why they are usually the more expensive option, but if you don’t really need to save money on your energy bill then it might be worth considering investing in monocrystalline solar panels instead of their cheaper counterparts!

6. Track the Direction of Your Solar Panels

For maximum energy production, it’s best to position solar panels so that they are facing south. This doesn’t mean that you have to rotate them so that their short side is facing towards the sun, but rather that they should be positioned in such a way that they face directly south at all times. If necessary, reposition your home with this goal in mind!

7. Consider Installing Photovoltaic Cells on Other Parts of Your Home

Although solar cells are most often associated with roofs or walls, there are several other places where solar power can be used effectively- like windows and ceilings (if your ceiling isn’t too high). A window tinting company can help you determine if having photovoltaic cells on your windows is a good option, or whether it’s better to stick to solar panels on walls or roofs.

8. Don’t Forget About Solar Heat!

If no one at home has air conditioning and everyone prefers warm showers/bathroom floors/bathroom water, take the time to consider solar heat as well as solar power! The same technology behind making hot water with solar energy can be used for keeping homes and buildings just a few degrees warmer than the surrounding environment- it’s an efficient way of heating that doesn’t need electricity or gas! This will save you money over time and reduce your use of other harmful energy sources like coal and natural gas.

9. Remember: There IS a Difference Between Solar and Wind Power!

Although solar power and wind power are both methods of generating electricity from natural elements, they use very different technologies so it’s important to not mix them up. For example, solar panels only work when the sun is out- but solar panels can be easily programmed to stop collecting energy during the day if there’s a blackout or other event that makes energy production difficult/unnecessary. In contrast, wind turbines need steady air flow in order to generate electricity- strong gusts of wind will actually make them less efficient at producing electricity because they cause turbulence around the turbine blades which disturbs airflow over the towers and stops air particles from reaching the turbine head at constant rate.

So, remember: solar panels are made to capture solar energy from the sun, but wind turbines need steady air flow in order to create electricity. Don’t be fooled by advertising that mixes up these two types of power generation!

10. You Can Make a Difference!

Finally, it’s important to take pride in your contribution towards a greener future for all of us- hopefully the 10 tips above have given you some ideas about how you can improve using solar cells and other forms of alternative energy generation at home or even on a larger scale if there’s a possibility for community use. So, remember: every little action counts when it comes to reducing the environmental impact, we each have as individuals, so why not do something good whenever? Who knows- maybe one day, the people in your town will look at solar panels on houses and think “I remember when we used to have a problem with energy supply back in the old days? Now we have so much free power that some of it actually gets wasted!” And that’s a future worth striving for!

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