What is the Meaning of ‘Limited Access’ in Wi-Fi Internet Connectivity?

What is the Meaning of ‘Limited Access’ in Wi-Fi Internet Connectivity?

Sometimes when you are setting a network connection or browsing the internet on your Wi-FI, you receive an error message that says that your device is connected to a network with limited access or limited connectivity. This makes it impossible for you to access the internet, even though you are still connected to the router. There can be several reasons for that. Some people report having this message show up after their Windows were updated. Sometimes internet connection does not work in one device, whereas it works just fine in another device, which shows that the problem is with the former device and not the internet connection. Whatever the reason, having limited to no connectivity and being unable to access the internet is really frustrating. However, there are some things that you can do to make sure your internet connection runs smoothly, and it will be shared in this guide.

If, after going through this guide, you still see the limited access or no connectivity message, you should reach out to your ISP. ISPs like Xfinity have a commitment to you as a paying customer and to keep up with this commitment, they guarantee support and technical help with their internet packages. If you haven’t already, you also must look over Xfinity internet prices, where they are offering multiple deals with their own assigned charges. You also get to rent a modem, have it installed in your home or office and receive technical help or advice, whichever seems appropriate, for any connectivity problem.

Things You Can Try For ‘Limited Internet Connectivity’:

Continuing with the guide, there are several things you can try to get your internet connectivity status back to normal. You do not need to be a hardcore tech geek to know this stuff, but you do need to know the computer and internet basics.

  • Are the wires plugged in? You need to check your modem or router and make sure that the cables have not come loose and are plugged in.
  • Do you have the correct password? Make sure you have the correct WPA2 or WEP key for your router. WPA2 or WEP is the security key that can be used to access the internet in your router. Even when you enter an incorrect password, your router lets your device connect to it, but not the internet access. This could also be the reason for ‘limited connectivity.
  • Have you tried turning it off and on again? The most basic or obvious thing to do is to restart the router or modem. Unplug the device from the power plug and leave it like that for a few minutes. Then plug it in again and see if it has restored your internet connectivity.

Common, Everyday Internet Problems and Their Solutions

  • Re-enable networking device. You can also restart the networking device from your computer. Simply open up Device Manager by typing in Windows Start and clicking on it from results. When the Device Manager opens up, you will find a list of devices connected to your computer. Find a Network adapter, expand and find your networking device. Right-click on it, and select Disable device. A dialogue box will appear asking if you want to continue with the action. Click Yes and then close the Device Manager. Restart your computer, open the Device Manager again. Go to Network Adapters as you did earlier, find your networking device, and enable it. Did this solve your problem?
  • Windows Troubleshooter. The limited internet connectivity in your Wi-Fi connection could be because of some problems that Windows is going through and you aren’t aware of. Fortunately, Windows has a built-in troubleshooter that is designed to detect where the problem is. You can open it up by typing troubleshooter in When you open the troubleshooter settings, you will find an option for a list of troubleshooters. Select the one for your internet connection or network adapter, whichever you see, and let the troubleshooter run its course. When it’s done, the troubleshooter will show you where the problem is and try to fix it for you. More often than not, it does fix the internet connectivity problem and then you’re good to go.
  • Is anti-virus the problem? If you have antivirus software installed on your computer, it may be the reason behind the limited connectivity of your internet. Try disabling the antivirus temporarily and see if the problem still exists. If that helped, then you need to consider installing another antivirus software, because your current software was hindering the internet connectivity for you.

Above are some of the things you can try for yourself to fix the limited connectivity issue on your Wi-Fi. You could also try checking if the cables attached to your modem or router are not broken. However, if none of these work you will need to connect your ISP or hardware manufacturer to look into this issue.