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How To Deploy Surveys On An Android Device Using Kiosk Mode?

How To Deploy Surveys On An Android Device Using Kiosk Mode?

What is Android Kiosk Mode?

The term “Android Kiosk Mode” refers to converting Android smartphones into special purpose tools. You can enable kiosk mode on Android devices by locking down the device and allowing users to access specific apps.

Once kiosk lockdown is enabled using a kiosk mode app, the device operates in a kiosk-like environment, preventing intentional and unintentional misuse of the device and app settings.

42Gears SureLock provides more robust kiosk mode capability than competing alternatives, including Android’s Screen Pinning feature. Screen Pinning is excellent for restricted personal use, such as allowing a friend or child to use your phone or tablet to play a particular app or game. Screen pinning is ineffective for securing Kiosk Software Android devices used in the workplace.

Deploying Surveys on an Android Device Using Kiosk Mode:

To create a survey for a kiosk, you must first create a Mobile edition and then upload it to the SureMDM app.

If you’re running kiosk software on an Android tablet or phone, be sure that any buttons are physically unreachable. You must disable touch gestures that allow users to return to the home screen on your device (for example, Multitasking Gestures should be disabled in the Settings for Android). You should also disable any notifications that allow users to switch to the app that generated the notification.

Using the Survey Mobile App or Webpage in Kiosk Mode:

Respondents can access a page where they can only answer surveys in kiosk mode. During the deployment process, you won’t be able to access any other device settings. Kiosk surveys are pretty helpful during any public event or trade show.

Kiosk Mode’s Applications:

As you don’t need to invest in additional survey equipment, the kiosk mode is useful during trade exhibitions and conferences. When you need to gather responses on your smartphone, this is the app you use. When the kiosk mode is enabled, users are unable to use any other programme on the tablet.

Benefits of Using a kiosk:

The following are some of the benefits of conducting surveys in kiosk mode:

Browsing restriction: Allows the survey-takers only to take the survey. It restricts them from accessing other blocklisted apps or settings on the device.

Looping surveys: When a survey is completed, it automatically loops and restarts.

Inactivity timeout: If you are inactive for a certain amount of time, the survey will automatically restart from the beginning.

Geo-location tracking: To prevent survey fraud, keep track of where each survey was taken.


Thousands of firms set up booths at trade exhibitions to showcase their products and services and conduct surveys on the kiosk mode app to learn more about their customers’ preferences. They put up portable kiosks and surveys on kiosk software to collect feedback from guests to boost customer engagement, secure data collection, and develop a social presence. They don’t need any additional hardware to set up the kiosk because a smartphone or tablet suffices.

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